Equal Constraint
An EqualConstraint is used to test whether an actual value is equal to the expected value supplied in its constructor, optionally within a specified tolerance.
EqualConstraint(object expected)
Is.EqualTo(object expected)
Is.Zero // Equivalent to Is.EqualTo(0)
...IgnoreWhiteSpace // From version 4.2
...Within(object tolerance)
...Using(IEqualityComparer comparer)
...Using(IComparer comparer)
...Using<T>(IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
...Using<T>(IComparer<T> comparer)
...Using<T>(Comparison<T> comparer)
...Using<T>(Func<T, T, bool> comparer)
...Using<TActual, TExpected>(Func<TActual, TExpected, bool> comparer)
...UsingPropertiesComparer() // From version 4.1
PropertiesComparerConfiguration> configure) // From version 4.4
Comparing Numerics
Numerics are compared based on their values. Different types may be compared successfully if their values are equal.
Using the Within modifier, numerics may be tested for equality within a fixed or percent tolerance.
Assert.That(2 + 2, Is.EqualTo(4.0));
Assert.That(2 + 2 == 4);
Assert.That(2 + 2, Is.Not.EqualTo(5));
Assert.That(2 + 2 != 5);
Assert.That(5.0, Is.EqualTo(5));
Assert.That(5.5, Is.EqualTo(5).Within(0.075));
Assert.That(5.5, Is.EqualTo(5).Within(1.5).Percent);
Comparing Floating Point Values
Values of type float and double are normally compared using a tolerance specified by the Within modifier. The special values PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity and NaN compare as equal to themselves.
Floating-point values may be compared using a tolerance in "Units in the Last Place" or ULPs. For certain types of numerical work, this is safer than a fixed tolerance because it automatically compensates for the added inaccuracy of larger numbers.
Assert.That(2.1 + 1.2, Is.EqualTo(3.3).Within(.0005));
Assert.That(double.PositiveInfinity, Is.EqualTo(double.PositiveInfinity));
Assert.That(double.NegativeInfinity, Is.EqualTo(double.NegativeInfinity));
Assert.That(double.NaN, Is.EqualTo(double.NaN));
Assert.That(20000000000000004.0, Is.EqualTo(20000000000000000.0).Within(1).Ulps);
Comparing Strings
String comparisons normally respect case. The IgnoreCase
modifier causes the comparison to be case-insensitive. It may
also be used when comparing arrays or collections of strings.
Assert.That("Hello!", Is.Not.EqualTo("HELLO!"));
Assert.That("Hello!", Is.EqualTo("HELLO!").IgnoreCase);
string[] expected = new string[] { "Hello", "World" };
string[] actual = new string[] { "HELLO", "world" };
Sometimes we need to compare strings irrespective of white space characters, e.g.: when comparing Json strings.
This can be done with the IgnoreWhiteSpace
It allows using pretty formatted Json in NUnit tests regardless
whether the code under test uses different formatting or no white space at all.
const string prettyJson = """
"name": "John",
"surname": "Smith"
"name": "Jane",
"surname": "Doe"
const string condensedJson = """
"persons":[{"name":"John","surname":"Smith",},{"name": "Jane","surname": "Doe"}]
Assert.That(condensedJson, Is.EqualTo(prettyJson).IgnoreWhiteSpace);
The above tests fails and the messages has been updated to include two carrets to indicate the mismatched location in both expected and actual values:
Assert.That(condensedJson, Is.EqualTo(prettyJson).IgnoreWhiteSpace)
Expected string length 122 but was 79. Strings differ at index 65.
Expected: "...,\r\n "surname": "Smith"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n "name": "Jane",\r...", ignoring white-space
But was: ""persons":[{"name":"John","surname":"Smith",},{"name": "Jane"..."
The IgnoreWhiteSpace
can also be specified when comparing collections of strings.
Comparing DateTimes and TimeSpans
DateTimes and TimeSpans may be compared either with or without a tolerance. A tolerance is specified using Within with either a TimeSpan as an argument or with a numeric value followed by a one of the time conversion modifiers: Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds or Ticks.
When comparing DateTimeOffsets you can use the optional WithSameOffset modifier to check the offset along with the date and time.
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime later = now + TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);
Assert.That(now, Is.EqualTo(now));
Assert.That(later, Is.EqualTo(now).Within(TimeSpan.FromHours(3.0));
Assert.That(later, Is.EqualTo(now).Within(3).Hours);
Comparing Arrays, Collections and IEnumerables
Since version 2.2, NUnit has been able to compare two single-dimensioned arrays. Beginning with version 2.4, multi-dimensioned arrays, nested arrays (arrays of arrays) and collections may be compared. With version 2.5, any IEnumerable is supported. Two arrays, collections or IEnumerables are considered equal if they have the same dimensions and if each of the corresponding elements is equal.
If you want to treat two arrays of different shapes as simple collections for purposes of comparison, use the AsCollection modifier, which causes the comparison to be made element by element, without regard for the rank or dimensions of the array. Note that jagged arrays (arrays of arrays) do not have a single underlying collection. The modifier would be applied to each array separately, which has no effect in most cases.
The AsCollection
modifier is also useful on classes implementing both IEnumerable
and IEquatable
. Without the
modifier, the IEquatable
implementation is used to test equality. With the modifier specified, IEquatable
is ignored
and the contents of the enumeration are compared one by one.
int[] i3 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
double[] d3 = new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
int[] iunequal = new int[] { 1, 3, 2 };
Assert.That(i3, Is.EqualTo(d3));
Assert.That(i3, Is.Not.EqualTo(iunequal));
int[,] array2x2 = new int[,] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
int[] array4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
Assert.That(array2x2, Is.Not.EqualTo(array4));
Assert.That(array2x2, Is.EqualTo(array4).AsCollection);
Comparing Dictionaries
Two dictionaries are considered equal if
- The list of keys is the same - without regard to ordering.
- The values associated with each key are equal.
You can use this capability to compare any two objects implementing IDictionary. Generic and non-generic dictionaries (Hashtables) may be successfully compared.
Comparing DirectoryInfo
Two DirectoryInfo objects are considered equal if both have the same path, creation time and last access time.
Assert.That(new DirectoryInfo(actual), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Comparing Classes/Structures
If a class/structure implements IEquatable<T>
then it is up to the class to define equality.
If not, then the standard .NET Equals
is called which means for classes,
it is reference equality and for structures it is value equality.
private sealed class Person
public Person(string name, int yearOfBirth)
Name = name;
YearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;
public string Name { get; }
public void ComparePersons()
var person1 = new Person("Charlie");
var person2 = new Person("Charlie");
Assert.That(person2, Is.EqualTo(person1));
The above test fails because even though person1 and person2 have the same property values, they are different instances. If we want to have value equality there are three options:
- Implement
on thePerson
This is not always wanted, we may require reference comparison in most code, but need value equality for NUnit tests. - Specify a specific comparer. See User-Specified Comparers below.
This does require writing separate comparers each time one wants to compare a class for value equality. - Add the
This is a special built-in comparer which iterates over all public properties of a class and compares them one by one. It is useful to get value equality for nunit test, e.g. when serializing/deserializing instances, but when value equality is not wanted in normal code. Even if two persons are called Charlie that doesn't mean they are one and the same person.
User-Specified Comparers
If the default NUnit or .NET behavior for testing equality doesn't meet your needs, you can supply a comparer of your
own through the Using
modifier. When used with EqualConstraint
, you may supply an IEqualityComparer
, IComparer
, IComparer<T>
or Comparison<T>
as the argument to Using
Assert.That(myObj1, Is.EqualTo(myObj2).Using(myComparer));
Prior to NUnit 2.6, only one comparer could be used. If multiple comparers were specified, all but one was ignored. Beginning with NUnit 2.6, multiple generic comparers for different types may be specified. NUnit will use the appropriate comparer for any two types being compared. As a result, it is now possible to provide a comparer for an array, a collection type or a dictionary. The user-provided comparer will be used directly, bypassing the default NUnit logic for array, collection or dictionary equality.
class ListOfIntComparer : IEqualityComparer<List<int>>
/* ... */
var list1 = new List<int>();
var list2 = new List<int>();
var myComparer = new ListOfIntComparer();
/* ... */
Assert.That(list1, Is.EqualTo(list2).Using(myComparer));
Properties Comparer
The properties comparer is enabled when suffixing the constraint with .UsingPropertiesComparer()
It is only called for instances of the same type which do not implement IEquatable<T>
The exception is that it will be called for record
types that have a compiler generated Equals
The reason for this is to get better error messages in case of mismatch.
This comparer iterates over all public properties of a type.
For each property, it gets the value for both instances and compares them for equality.
This can be recursive, e.g. if one has a class Group
holding a collection of Persons
The comparer will use the specified tolerance as specified using .Within(amount)
if possible.
This can be useful when comparing floating point numbers of calculation results.
The comparer can deal with recursive data structures, it will stop comparing if it already previously has compared two the same instances.
From version 4.4 there is a new overload of UsingPropertiesComparer
which allows tailoring the comparison.
This overload expects delegate that accepts a PropertiesComparerConfiguration
also returns a PropertiesComparerConfiguration
Comparing Different Types
By default, the PropertiesComparer
only compares instances of the same type.
But sometimes we want to compare the properties of a Dto object with an Domain entity.
If all properties have the same name, this can be done with the AllowDifferentTypes()
private record struct PersonDto(string Name, int YearOfBirth);
private record struct PersonEntity(string Name, int YearOfBirth);
public void CompareDifferentTypes()
var dto = new PersonDto("Hejlsberg", 1960);
var entity = new PersonEntity("Hejlsberg", 1960);
Assert.That(dto, Is.EqualTo(entity)
.UsingPropertiesComparer(o => o.AllowDifferentTypes()));
Excluding some Properties for Comparison
Compare Only Common Properties
If our PersonEntity
class has an Id
property for the database key,
it no longer matches the PersonDto
We would like to compare the two, but ignore the Id
To only compare those properties available on both types, use: .CompareOnlyCommonProperties()
This method implies .AllowDifferentTypes()
private record struct PersonDto(string Name, int YearOfBirth);
private record struct PersonEntity(Guid Id, string Name, int YearOfBirth);
public void CompareDifferentTypesWithExcessFields()
var dto = new PersonDto("Hejlsberg", 1960);
var entity = new PersonEntity(Guid.NewGuid(), "Hejlsberg", 1960);
Assert.That(dto, Is.EqualTo(entity)
.UsingPropertiesComparer(o => o.CompareOnlyCommonProperties()));
Use only specified Properties
Sometimes you don't want to compare all properties and you only care about some.
You can do this with the Using
There are two overloads, one expecting a string
and the other a type safe Expression
The latter has the advantage that you get intellisense helping you with available property names.
However, that overload is only available on some constraints which have been update with a generic type parameter.
private record struct Person(string Name, int YearOfBirth);
public void CompareDifferentTypesOnNameOnly()
var dto1 = new PersonDto("Hejlsberg", 1960);
var dto2 = new PersonDto("Hejlsberg", 1966);
// Specify name as a string
Assert.That(dto2, Is.EqualTo(dto1).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Using("Name")));
// Specify name as an expression
Assert.That(dto2, Is.EqualTo(dto1).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Using(x => x.Name)));
Use all but some properties
If you don't care about the equality of one property, like database id field,
you can exclude this specifically with the Exclude
This method also has two overloads: string
and Expression
private record struct PersonEntity(Guid Id, string Name, int YearOfBirth);
public void CompareDifferentTypesExcludingId()
var entity1 = new PersonEntity(Guid.NewGuid(), "Hejlsberg", 1960);
var entity2 = new PersonEntity(Guid.NewGuid(), "Hejlsberg", 1960);
Assert.That(entity2, Is.EqualTo(entity1).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Excluding(nameof(PersonEntity.Id))));
Assert.That(entity2, Is.EqualTo(entity1).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Excluding(x => x.Id)));
Mapping Property Names
Sometimes the property names are different between classes.
You can use the Map
property to map property names from the expected to the actual name.
Because the constraints are separate from the actual Assert
call, you do need to specify the
type of the actual instance when using the type safe Expression
private record struct PersonDto(string Name, int YearOfBirth);
private record struct PersonEntity(string LastName, int BirthYear);
public void CompareDifferentTypesWithExcessFields()
var dto = new PersonDto("Hejlsberg", 1960);
var entity = new PersonEntity("Hejlsberg", 1960);
Assert.That(dto, Is.EqualTo(entity).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Map(nameof(PersonEntity.LastName), nameof(PersonDto.Name))
.Map(nameof(PersonEntity.BirthYear), nameof(PersonDto.YearOfBirth))));
Assert.That(dto, Is.EqualTo(entity).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Map<PersonDto>(entity => entity.LastName, dto => dto.Name)
.Map<PersonDto>(entity => entity.BirthYear, dto => dto.YearOfBirth)));
Mapping Property Values
Sometimes one class doesn't have the properties the other has, but we only want to compare if the value of the other has a specific value.
private sealed record Address(string House, string Street, string City, string PostalCode, string Country);
private sealed record USAddress(string House, string Street, string City, string ZipCode);
public void CompareMatchingDifferentAddresses()
var address = new Address("10", "CSI", "Las Vegas", "89030", "U.S.A.");
var usAddress = new USAddress("10", "CSI", "Las Vegas", "89030");
// We can supply a Value for the missing property 'Country'
Assert.That(usAddress, Is.EqualTo(address).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Map<Address, USAddress>(world => world.PostalCode, usa => usa.ZipCode)
.Map<Address>(world => world.Country, "U.S.A.")));
All USAddress
instances are assumed to be in the U.S.A
To compare this with world wide addresses, they should only match
if the world address' Country has the value U.S.A
We could have excluded the Country property, but then we might get matches of similar addresses in other countries.
Configuring matching for nested type members
The above can be combined for nested types:
private sealed record Address(string House, string Street, string City, string AreaCode, string Country);
private sealed record Person(string Name, Address Address);
private sealed record USAddress(string House, string Street, string City, string ZipCode);
private sealed record USPerson(string Name, USAddress USAddress);
public void CompareMismatchedDifferentTypes()
var person = new Person("John Doe", new Address("10", "CSI", "Las Vegas", "89030", "U.S.A."));
var usPerson = new USPerson("John Doe", new USAddress("10", "CSI", "Las Vegas", "89031"));
Assert.That(usPerson, Is.EqualTo(person).UsingPropertiesComparer(
o => o.Map<Person, USPerson>(x => x.Address, y => y.USAddress)
.Map<Address, USAddress>(x => x.AreaCode, y => y.ZipCode)
.Map<Address>(x => x.Country, "U.S.A.")));
The mapped property names and values are shown in the failure message:
Assert.That(usPerson, Is.EqualTo(person).UsingPropertiesComparer(
c => c.Map<Person, USPerson>(x => x.Address, y => y.USAddress)
.Map<Address, USAddress>(x => x.AreaCode, y => y.ZipCode)
.Map<Address>(x => x.Country, "U.S.A.")))
Expected: <Person { Name = John Doe, Address = Address { House = 10, Street = CSI, City = Las Vegas, AreaCode = 89030, Country = U.S.A. } }>
But was: <USPerson { Name = John Doe, USAddress = USAddress { House = 10, Street = CSI, City = Las Vegas, ZipCode = 89031 } }>
Values differ at property Person.Address => USPerson.USAddress:
Expected: <Address { House = 10, Street = CSI, City = Las Vegas, AreaCode = 89030, Country = U.S.A. }>
But was: <USAddress { House = 10, Street = CSI, City = Las Vegas, ZipCode = 89031 }>
Values differ at property Address.AreaCode => USAddress.ZipCode:
String lengths are both 5. Strings differ at index 4.
Expected: "89030"
But was: "89031"
- When checking the equality of user-defined classes, NUnit first examines each class to determine whether it
(unless theAsCollection
modifier is used). If either object implements the interface for the type of the other object, then that implementation is used in making the comparison. If neither class implements the appropriate interface, NUnit makes use of theEquals
override on the expected object. If you neglect to either implementIEquatable<T>
or to overrideEquals
, you can expect failures comparing non-identical objects. In particular, overridingoperator ==
without overridingEquals
or implementing the interface has no effect. - The Within modifier was originally designed for use with floating point values only. Beginning with NUnit 2.4, comparisons of DateTime values may use a TimeSpan as a tolerance. Beginning with NUnit 2.4.2, non-float numeric comparisons may also specify a tolerance.
- Float and double comparisons for which no tolerance is specified use a default value, which can be specified with
DefaultFloatingPointToleranceAttribute. If this is not in place, a tolerance of 0.0d is used. (Prior to NUnit
3.7, default tolerance was instead set via
.) - Prior to NUnit 2.2.3, comparison of two NaN values would always fail, as specified by IEEE floating point standards. The new behavior, was introduced after some discussion because it seems more useful in tests. To avoid confusion, consider using Is.NaN where appropriate.
- When an equality test between two strings fails, the relevant portion of both strings is displayed in the error message, clipping the strings to fit the length of the line as needed. Beginning with 2.4.4, this behavior may be modified by use of the NoClip modifier on the constraint. In addition, the maximum line length may be modified for all tests by setting the value of TextMessageWriter.MaximumLineLength in the appropriate level of setup.
- When used with arrays, collections or dictionaries, EqualConstraint operates recursively. Any modifiers are saved and used as they apply to individual items.
- A user-specified comparer will not be called by EqualConstraint if either or both arguments are null. If both are null, the Constraint succeeds. If only one is null, it fails.
- NUnit has special semantics for comparing Streams and DirectoryInfos. For a Stream, the contents are compared. For a DirectoryInfo, the first-level directory contents are compared.